Editing Task
An Introduction into Film and Editing. The first public screening of a film was held in Paris, 28th December 1895, by the Lumiere Brothers. Within that audience was a visionary called Georges Melies. A magician by trade and he felt that film had a lot of potential. Being denied a Cinematograph from the Lumieres, he decided to reverse the working of a Animatograph, thus creating his own camera. Soon after, he began filming as part of his stage show. Whilst he was filming a bus the camera jammed. Once the machine was up and running again the bus was replaced by a car. When the film was developed, Melies found that the bus turned into a car all of a sudden. This discovery led onto what is now known as the Jump Cut. He then continued producing and created the Fade In/Out as well as Overlapping Dissolve Cuts. In America, Edwin S. Porter, began creating narratives within his film, typically of firemen. However, they suffered with scenes showing actions in one perspective and then the wh...